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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Peter Coutu


UW-Madison’s student government passes controversial divestment legislation

After a month of debates, walkouts and lawsuits, UW-Madison’s student government unanimously passed wide-ranging divestment legislation Wednesday—but an amendment naming Israel was once again the main point of contention. The legislation calls on the university and the UW Foundation to divest from a variety of companies, including specific arms manufacturers, fossil fuel corporations and banks that “oppress marginalized communities.” Proponents of the legislation championed it as a way to recognize and help oppressed groups. “I’m glad that communities of color and marginalized students had their voices heard,” Associated Students of Madison Rep.

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Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison announced Monday he will be run to be chair of the Democratic National Committee.


Associated Students of Madison Representative Kenneth Cole sent a letter to the members of the Student Services Finance Committee Thursday, announcing his resignation from the group and ASM as a whole.


During a meeting Sunday, congressman Keith Ellison helped UW-Madison students plan for the upcoming presidential election.


Roughly 40 demonstrators gathered at the Dane County Public Safety Building, holding a sign that reads “Hands off Black Women” to protest MPD’s arrest of Genele Laird, an 18-year-old black woman.


The Madison Fire Department extinguishes a pile of garbage Monday after an Advanced Disposal truck started on fire.


Three people sustained minor injuries after a city bus collided with a Trolley Pub Friday on State Street.

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