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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Friday, July 26, 2024

State News

President-elect Donald Trump visited West Allis Tuesday as part of his “Thank You Tour” Jill Stein’s recount resulted in an additional 131 votes for Trump.

President-elect Donald Trump visits Milwaukee County on 'Thank You Tour'

WEST ALLIS, Wis.—Dressed in matching black “Make America Great Again hats,” Trump pins and white Trump t-shirts, Juliana McMan and her three sisters stood together, eagerly waiting to see President-elect Donald Trump Tuesday night. McMan, a day-one Trump supporter and a recent DePaul University graduate, traveled two hours from her home in western Illinois to the State Fairgrounds where she was one in a crowd of thousands that attended Trump’s “Thank You Tour.” “The Chicago rally got shut down because crazy protesters and stuff,” McMan said.


Student climate activists brace for Trump

As last week’s election shock dissipates, climate change activists and policy professionals are coming to terms with a president-elect who rejects climate science as conspiracy and promises to roll back regulatory regimes and international agreements meant to curtail carbon emissions.


Priebus to serve as Trump’s chief of staff

Reince Priebus will serve as President-elect Donald Trump’s chief of staff, according to a statement from Trump Sunday. Priebus, the Republican National Committee Chairman, will provide Trump with the experience and political connections the billionaire outsider lacks.


Students skip ballot box over choosing between Clinton, Trump

Many UW-Madison students headed to the polls on Election Day, though one in particular didn’t vote for a presidential candidate—he casted a vote for every other position on the ballot instead. Tuesday marked the second election Eric Underwood, a graduate student and registered Republican from Illinois, voted in; however, in 2012 he cast a vote for presidential candidate Mitt Romney. “I just feel much better about myself not voting for anyone and not writing anyone in either,” Underwood said about casting his absentee ballot.

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., earned a second term in Congress Tuesday, defeating old rival, Democrat Russ Feingold.

Ron Johnson wins second six-year term as Wisconsin’s U.S. senator

Republican incumbent Sen. Ron Johnson battled Democratic former Sen. Russ Feingold for the Wisconsin Senate seat Tuesday, winning a second term despite trailing in every poll before Election Day. Even though many considered Feingold the favorite, the race tightened up during the last week, showing a close statistical tie before election day. Johnson celebrated his victory in his hometown of Oshkosh, where Gov.


Record number of early votes cast in Wisconsin

Wisconsin set the state record Friday for the number of votes cast before Election Day, with the number still expected to grow. More than 775,000 early votes, or 96 percent of the total early votes sent, have been received by election officials so far.

The cost of college has been a salient issue in this year’s presidential campaign, and both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have plans to make higher education more affordable.

Clinton, Trump make their cases for improving college affordability

College affordability has become a hot-button issue this campaign, with both candidates spending more time talking about reducing rising student debt loads and tuition rates than President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney did four years ago. Part of that attention is due to the rise of Bernie Sanders’ campaign during the Democratic primary.

Daily Cardinal

New research paints negative view of Wisconsin economy

In an election season dominated by doom and gloom about workers and the economy, some of this pessimism may ring true in Wisconsin, according to a new report by UW researchers. In the report, the researchers from UW-Madison and the UW Extension said Wisconsin is faced with a disproportionate loss of talent caused in part by a low domestic immigration rate of people with college degrees. In terms of educational attainment, Wisconsin has a strong high school graduation rate compared to both neighboring states and the rest of the country.

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