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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Rubio is the ideal conservative candidate

The first set of state primaries and caucuses are just days away and soon voters will officially be able to cast their ballot for who they believe should be their party’s nominee. The Republican primary has received near-24/7 coverage in 2015 with the loudmouthed, egomaniac Donald Trump leading the polls. Trump’s abrasive and divisive campaign has taken away from the conservative movement and his nomination would be a disaster for the Republican Party for years to come. As a millennial Republican, I am supporting Marco Rubio because of his innovative 21st century solutions for our economy, his focus on higher education reform and his ability to attract new Republican voters. 

The American people are still suffering from the lingering effects of the 2008 recession and new economic approaches are needed to reinvigorate the American economy for the 21st century. Marco Rubio’s plan would help lead the American economy into the future and offer new solutions to our ailing economy. The 21st century American economy will look significantly different than the manufacturing-based economy of the 20th century. It is imperative that our next president does everything in their ability to make the American economy and its people as competitive as possible. Sen. Rubio’s economic proposal to lower our nation’s corporate tax rate, which is currently the highest of any industrial country, would level the playing field against some of our biggest global competitors. Rubio also realizes the changes in our economy need to be embraced, not demonized. The 21st century will bring about great technological advancement, and just like during the beginning of the 20th century, some American jobs will be replaced. Sen. Rubio was quick to endorse Uber, unlike Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton. He sees Uber, Airbnb and technologically based companies as the future of the American economy, and under his presidency, he would work to reduce the federal government’s role in hindering emerging businesses.  By removing government regulations Rubio’s economic agenda will encourage these new jobs and their place in the new American economy.

To prepare America for the changing 21st century economy, our education system needs to be revitalized as well. Student loans have now exceeded $1 trillion, and our old ways of higher education need to be reformed. Out of all of the Republican candidates, Sen. Rubio has the most expansive and substantive plan to reform how we train and educate our workforce. One major element of Rubio’s higher education plan would make Income-Based Repayment of student loans automatic. In doing so, students who make more money would be able to pay loans off quicker, while those with lower paying jobs would not see as significant of an amount of their income going to pay off their student loans. Rubio’s higher education plan would also give prospective students and their families the tools needed to best understand what they are investing when they pursue higher education. This information would force higher education institutions to show students exactly how much their education will cost, and how much they can expect to earn upon graduation. By providing this information students will be able to choose the right degree for them within the right price. Rubio offers numerous other proposals that would revolutionize the higher education system and would help prepare the American workforce for what he describes as a new American century. 

Lastly, Marco Rubio offers Republicans their best chance at defeating either Democratic nominee in the general election. Rubio’s ability to appeal to millennial voters and immigrant populations with his life story would be crucial in a general election match-up against Hillary Clinton. On the campaign trail he regularly invokes his upbringing as the son of a bartender and a maid and references how he had upwards of $100,000 in student loans. Republicans must make gains in these two demographics if they want to have any chance at beating Hillary Clinton. In 2016, Republicans must nominate someone who can not only run on conservative principles, but also bring in new voters to the Republican Party. Ronald Reagan enjoyed electoral success because of his ability to communicate conservative principles to a new set of independents and Democrats, something that Marco Rubio also has the ability to do. Rubio can attract new voters to the Republican Party without having to compromise on conservative principles. Nominating Sen. Rubio gives Republicans their best shot at defeating Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders in November. 

William F. Buckley, the late conservative icon, used to say that he would support the “rightward most viable candidate,” and in this election Marco Rubio fits that bill. Rubio represents what the future of the Republican Party can and should look like. He has strong conservative principles and solutions, but at the same time would be able to expand the Republican electorate. Voters are rightfully frustrated and angry at the dysfunction in Washington, which is why candidates like Trump and Cruz have remained near the top of the polls. In times like this voters should channel that anger and frustration into a push to ensure that we take back the White House in 2016. As a millennial Republican I believe we must nominate someone who stands for their conservative principles while also proposing real, substantive policies to get America back on track. Our nominee must be able to excite the Republican base while also bringing in new voters. This is why I am supporting Marco Rubio in 2016.

Charlie is a senior majoring in journalism and economics. What do you think of Marco Rubio as a Republican candidate? Is he the ideal conservative? Please send all comments, questions and concerns to

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