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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Monday, June 17, 2024

Chris Miller announces candidacy for 50th assembly district

Chris Miller, a retired pastor from La Valle, Wis., announced in a statement Monday he will run as a Democrat to represent Wisconsin’s 50th district in the state Assembly.

Miller retired in December after working for 35 years as an ordained minister. He left his life’s work to focus on the people he hopes to represent, according to a statement.

The 50th Assembly District includes parts of Richland, Sauk, Monroe and Juneau counties. State Rep. Edward Brooks, R-Reedsburg, has represented the district since he was first elected in 2008.

Miller said he hopes to serve all his constituents regardless of demographic or political convictions, according to the statement.

“I have seen my members struggle to overcome obstacles such as financial burden, illnesses and family crises,” Miller said in the statement. “I’m running for Assembly to ease the burdens on working families in southwest Wisconsin.”

Both candidates will be on the ballot in November.

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