The third cycle of UW-Madison's NCAA Division I athletics certification program commenced with the launching of a new informational website, Chancellor Biddy Martin announced Wednesday.
According to Shawn Eichorst, associate athletic director, the NCAA started the program in 1989.
The certification program is like the reaccredidation program the campus is going through right now,"" Eichorst said. ""It tries to have each institution do a self-analysis '¦ to make sure [they] are going along with fundamental rules of integrity.""
With the launching of the website, students and faculty will have the opportunity to view and participate in the progress of the department's self-study, which assess the extent to which UW-Madison meets the certification standards.
Darrell Bazzell, vice chancellor for administration and leader of the program, helped compile university community members to analyze gender, diversity and student athlete well being. Specific committees, headed by officials like Dean of Students Lori Berquam, Athletic Director Barry Alvarez and senior associate athletic director for external relations Vince Sweeney also helped with the evaluation.
According to the website, the last certification of UW-Madison athletics occurred in 1994 and in 2000.
The conclusion of the self-study will initiate the conduction of a three-day assessment by an external team of reviewers. The team will be comprised of individuals from other colleges and universities. After the assessment, which will take place Sept. 21-23 of 2009, the team will report to the athletic certification subcommittee of NCAA.
Institutions that fail to conduct a comprehensive self-study could face consequences by the NCAA.
According to university officials, the three levels of certification include certified, certified with conditions and not certified. However, institutions have the chance to correct deficient areas, and those who do not take that opportunity can be ruled ineligible for NCAA championships.