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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Saturday, June 15, 2024

At the show's end, the losing bachlorette wins

There are very few occasions where I actually throw something at my beloved television set. However, the outcome of a certain Monday-night television show left a quarter-sized dent in the side of its frame. 


Jen?! The Bachelor picked Jen over Sadie? @#%$&!? (You name it""I said it.) 


I sat in shock and watched Sadie put on a soldier face and march out to the stretch limo waiting to rose-lessly wisk her away.  


This is not to say that anything is wrong with Jen. She is a beautiful, fun girl who nobly teaches America's brats for a salary less than she deserves. My desire for Sadie to win was on another level. 


If you're a guy and haven't flipped to Zach's column already, The Bachelor"" is paired with approximately 20 women and must narrow his search for love down to one woman. The woman potentially receives a proposal or promise ring at the end of the series.  


I liked Sadie because she was so dissimilar to most candidates I have ever seen on the show. She was a spunky, conservative girl with a great eye for fashion and seemed very down to earth and anything but jaded by the television process. And""the detail the show made a big deal about""Sadie was saving herself for marriage.  


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I wanted Sadie to win because a victory for her would send a message to girls all over America. The way she carried herself and was honest about her chastity was completely refreshing.  


Teenage girls watching the show from Portland to Podunk would hear a new message. You don't have to talk about people behind their back because the show, or whomever, tells you to""you don't have to hide your desires and mask them to mirror the guy you like and most importantly if you don't want to have sex""that's okay.  


But at the final rose ceremony it was not this message that won. Jen is not a whore or a bad person. Her values may be just as admirable as Sadie, but the message she sent, and the reason she was most likely picked, was not inspirational: ""Yes ,Bachelor, I will drop everything in my life and move to New York without even a second thought if it means I can be with you""a man I have known for two weeks.""  


All grudges aside, I'm sure that Jen and Lorenzo will be perfectly happy together and I hope they are one of the rare ""Bachelor"" couples that make it to a successful marriage.  


So will Sadie be the next Bachelorette? Probably not. I don't see her trusting the mechanics of the show ever again after getting her heart broken.  


But if the kind of girl Lorenzo wanted was one he can mold into whatever he wants, then Sadie was not the girl for him. She drove away in the limo, but that last sad look will not reflect the promise of her future. She is a good person standing up for what she believes in; herself. 


Sadie""he may have picked Jen, but you are the winner.  


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