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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Saturday, July 27, 2024



Coming 'atchya With: Kombucha!

Kombucha is a type of fermented tea applauded for its probiotic health benefits. This beverage finds itself in the same realm as kimchi and yogurt, which is to say that these are all products of the fermentation mechanism. Live cultures of bacteria are responsible for generating kombucha, meaning that upon ingestion of such a drink, you’re going to experience a repopulation of your gut microbiota. This signifies the introduction of a whole new cast of bacteria dedicated to promoting digestion and detox. I like to think of these guys as friendly little micro-fauna. 


UW Scientist wins grant to further research in climate change

Dr. Andrea Dutton, a research scientist at UW-Madison, received the “Genius Grant” to continue her research on constructing sea levels from 125,000 years ago. The motivation behind her research is to showcase the effects of rising sea levels on communities and educate the public on environmental changes as a result of global warming. 

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Best birds to spot this Spring

There’s no secret that spring is peak birdwatching season due to how many species are breeding. With spring comes the arrival of numerous bird species known as the neotropical migrants — a species that returns back to the continental United States to breed after spending the winter months in Central or South America. 


Wisconsin scientists talk ties with Mars rover endeavor

In 1976, the United States-operated Viking 1 landed on Mars, marking the world’s first successful landing of a spacecraft on the Red Planet. Once it became clear that attempts to land spacecraft directly on the surface of Mars were feasible, pursuits of surface-level exploration began to come together at a fever pitch. 

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Wildlife in the deep freeze

As temperatures in Madison dropped toward -50 degrees Fahrenheit during the Polar Vortex last week, few people ventured outside for even fifteen minutes. Imagine if you were one of the local cardinals, deer or fox who live outside year-round, including the chilling winter months. 

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Gab: The social media for the alt-right

 Students are no strangers to emerging social media trends – as avid smartphone users, young adults are likely to pick up on new dating apps, new mobile payment apps (e.g. Venmo, Cashapp) and even new social media platforms. However, students may be unaware of a different kind of social platform that took hold in 2018 – a platform that touts its commitment to free speech and open dialogs for radical discussions.

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