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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Thursday, June 06, 2024


Daily Cardinal

Smoking linked to erectile dysfunction

For men looking for a reason to quit smoking, researchers have found a pretty good one'erectile dysfunction. Kevin McVary, associate professor of urology at Northwestern University Medical School found strong ' ¦'

Daily Cardinal

Small screens: hand-held computers

In these final tense weeks of the semester, many students feel like they will never get every term paper completed, every test studied for and every holiday gift bought without ' ¦'

Daily Cardinal

Cats are not just a carry-on

When one thinks of a travel companion, a family cat is far from first choice. However, in Christopher Wren's novel \The Cat Who Covered the World,"" his family cat, Henrietta, ' ¦'

Daily Cardinal

Want to make meals tastier? Add some fat

Low-fat ice cream is disgusting'and now scientists can back that up. Traditionally scientists agreed that humans could taste four basic things: sweet, salty, sour and bitter. Recently a fifth taste ' ¦'

Daily Cardinal

Badger Bits

The 20th-ranked Wisconsin Badgers improved to 5-1 on the season and earned a championship in the Arizona Basketball Classic with an 80-71 victory over Holy Cross University Sunday afternoon. Senior ' ¦

Daily Cardinal

'Guys on Ice' slips through the cracks

Those not from Wisconsin who attend the Madison Repertory Theatre's production of \Guys on Ice,"" an ode to ice fishing and Wisconsin culture being presented in Vilas Hall's Mitchell Theatre ' ¦'

Daily Cardinal

Wiley reflects on first-year issues

Almost a year after taking UW-Madison's top position, Chancellor John Wiley sat down with The Daily Cardinal to talk about three issues'campus climate, the university's budget and strategic planning'he targeted ' ¦

Daily Cardinal

UW scientists make stem-cell discovery

UW-Madison scientists announced another step toward realizing the potential of human embryonic stem cells Friday after coaxing the cells into functioning brain cells, demonstrating their capacity in the treatment of ' ¦

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