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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Monday, June 17, 2024

Voter registration group encourages millennials to Rock the Vote

In an effort to register millennials to vote before the upcoming election in November, Rock the Vote visited campus as part of their cross country tour.

Rock the Vote, a non-profit, non-partisan organization, is the largest national voter drive group specifically helping millennials to register and get to the polls. The volunteers spent four hours outside of Union South Monday and reported a successful day of registrations.

“A good thing that we’ve come to find out is that a lot of people are already registered to vote,” Rock the Vote Media Liaison Shaneice Simmons said. “Of course there’s plenty to still get registered, but it’s all been good. People have been signing up, making sure they want to stay informed and get involved.”

The organization is in the midst of a multi-city bus tour, which began in Las Vegas two weeks ago. They traveled through Colorado and Iowa to college campuses, and will end the tour at Ohio State Thursday.

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