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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Sunday, June 02, 2024

Foxygen nailed it at The Sett last Friday

Foxygen made a stop at the Sett this past Friday on their “Farewell Tour” and brought arguably the most entertaining show our campus has seen in 2015 thus far. The nine-piece band, which includes three mesmerizing back-up dancers, played a set that consisted of songs off of their two most recent albums, We Are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic and …And Star Power, enticing the crowd to dance around to favorites such as “Shuggie” and “How Can You Really.” 

The sold-out show was complete with colorful lights and quirky props, including a toy doll. Lead vocalist Sam France, who is known for exerting his craziest self during performances, definitely lived up to his name. He acted as the ring leader to the loudly extravagant production. At one point, in between his wild dance moves, he jumped off the stage and yelled at a member at the crowd for pushing people around too much. The enormous crowd was probably as energetic as the band members themselves.

There has been speculation about what this “Farewell Tour” means for Foxygen, which was first formed as a duo in 2005. The rumor spreading between excited fans was that they are, in fact, staying together and just reducing their nine-piece band to a fewer number of members. We can only hope this is true, and that Foxygen brings their contagious energy back to our campus again in the future. 

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