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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Monday, June 17, 2024
University Affairs 03042014

The proposed ‘Debt-Free Future’ national campaign aims to increase transparency over university and private bank transactions.

University Affairs Committee introduces ‘Debt-Free Future’ campaign

The Associated Students of Madison University Affairs Committee introduced a campaign that aims to increase transparency over contracts between universities and private banks in a meeting Tuesday.

The national campaign, call Debt-Free Future, encourages school leaders to help in revealing these contracts.

According to committee Chair Hannah Kinsella, private banks are benefitting from tuition dollars through private lending and loans, although the amount depends on the university.

Jobs with Justice, Student Labor Action Project and United States Student Association originally initiated the Debt-Free Future national campaign.

The committee and several registered student organizations plan to deliver a letter to the Board of Regents and Chancellor Rebecca Blank March 6, the national day for universities to drop letters off to chancellors or government officials.

The committee also gave an update on a textbook affordability campaign and is planning on sending postcards to University of Wisconsin-Madison faculty and department chairs addressing high textbook costs.

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