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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Friday, July 26, 2024

Come take a spoonful

How often do you Instagram pictures of food? When a meal is served at a restaurant, do you immediately take a picture of it? If so, then you will instantly fall in love with Spoon Magazine.

According to their Facebook page, Spoon is an online student-run magazine dedicated to making food more than just sustenance. Spoon Magazine can be seen nationwide on many college campuses. Fortunately for UW-Madison, Spoon is finally taking off on our campus as well.

Spoon revolutionizes food online. Not only can you view scrumptious looking pictures of decadent delights, but on their website at, you can learn more about Madison foods than you could have ever dreamed.

Spoon Magazine is not something you can just read. It is a mouth-watering experience. Each time I read an article on Spoon or look at the close up pictures (the pictures of oozing chocolate are my favorite), my stomach can’t help but growl.

The articles highlight particular restaurants, food items or food related events. There are three sections for these articles: Kitchen 101, Recipes and Food for Thought.

Even if you’re just in the mood for a good laugh, Spoon can help. The magazine at UW-Madison regularly posts links to funny Buzzfeed articles related to food on their Facebook page.

Yet, Spoon is not just for the typical “foodie,” providing basic insight for recipes anyone can follow. The magazine allows the average reader to get a taste of the “foodie” lifestyle, without overcomplicating the foods we all love to eat.

“We provide critical survival tips for anyone who is transitioning from mom's home-cooked meals to the dorm life,” explained Editor-in-Chief Jillian Biener when asked how Spoon caters to new readers. “Spoon is a great magazine to become involved in, especially in a city like Madison with it's vibrant and unique food scene.”

Many would agree with Biener that Madison has a very unique food scene. There are few other cities in the world where you can eat at a restaurant next to a capital building, or simply pick up a quality meal at a food cart in the middle of the street.

Whether you are looking for an upscale restaurant to attend with your family, or a quick easy meal in between classes, you will no longer have to say, “Where should we go?” There is no reason to repeat eating at the same three restaurants anymore. Simply look online at Spoon, select what type of restaurant and feast.

Look for more articles this year from Spoon as they expand their website, adding even more restaurants and food tips.

If you have a love for food, Spoon is also looking for more members. Reach out to them to see how you can get involved and become a part of the UW food community.

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