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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Grand Old Party not so grand, only getting older

Is it just me, or does the Republican party make no sense?

Think about it. Who are the two biggest types of  Republian voters? Rich people and “moral” Christians. Many of these moral Christians live in poorer areas: the Bible Belt and rural areas. So economically, they shouldn’t want what the rich faction wants (the ones with the money and candidates).

The rich faction might be “good Christians,” but if they were smart enough to be rich, they should be smart enough to know that being on the wrong side of civil issues is a huge misstep.

And this is why I didn’t vote. My party makes no sense. I am economically conservative and socially liberal. And this party, if it was run by one of the two factions (the rich), should be too. To me, the Democrats were half right  and the Republicans were half right, but on completely different things.

Wouldn’t it be great if they could just work together and get along so I wouldn’t have to choose between chocolate and vanilla every four years?

But we don’t live in that ideal world. And so the smart businessmen that can fix the economy have to pander to the idiots that hate queers and abortions and make me hate everything they stand for.

A Republican can be president in four years if: A. It’s a non traditional candidate (non-white, non-Christian, non-male [pick one]) B. The economy goes into another recession or C. An unknown to us now steals the show. I don’t see any of these things happening outside of  option B.

People were saying this was an important and historic election and I was wondering why. We already did the tango with the first black president, a repeal of fiscal conservatism and a bridge between social issues. How was this one any different than 2008?

But now I get it. It has nothing to do with what happened now. It’s about what’s going to happen in 2016. With the Republican party getting smoked in the swing states, its obvious they need a change, a complete overhaul.

Do I think they can get their heads out of their asses and get it done? No. Why? Because I have lost faith in this party. But we will see, I guess. Until 2016.

Do you think the Republican Party is heading towards a massive overhaul? Please Send all feedback to

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