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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Saturday, June 15, 2024

From the boob tube to YouTube

I could wrap up the semester with a list of the shows you should be watching or the hottest new actors. However, this is not necessary as this fall season, there is one, clear-cut winner. The champion of the fall TV season is Internet television.  


Not only did this fall see the advancement of some prominent Internet TV websites, it gave us the ability to watch our favorite shows whenever we want. 


I spent this past Thanksgiving with 50 cousins at my grandparents' house. The day started off great—games of checkers, playing with Legos and eating turkey.  


As the sun began to set, I could feel my heart palpitating. ""Grey's Anatomy"" was starting in less than 30 minutes and my younger cousins were so enthralled with ""Spiderman 2"" I knew I had no chance of claiming the television.  


My sweating increased when I realized that, due to special programming, ABC would not be repeating the episode on Friday night. 


No need to fear—this story ends well. Thanks to ABC's ingenious move to post their most popular shows on their website—free to watch. 


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Thanks to Internet television, I spent a cozy Friday morning in front of my computer watching Christina betray her boyfriend—without commercials! It's moments like these that make the holidays special. 


The fall was also a big season for YouTube. The popular video sharing site has everything from music videos to amateur sketch comedy.  


I have spent many a night this semester watching clips people sent me on YouTube instead of doing what I should have been—watching TV. 


Celebrities, such as Paris Hilton, are using YouTube to premiere their music videos. Borat put the first four minutes of his full-length feature film on the website to entice viewers to cinemas across the country.  


If you need a reason to procrastinate studying for finals, try looking up funny clips of TV reporters screwing up on the air, spoofs of the annoying GEICO ads or, my roommate's personal favorite, the many editions of ""Tourette's Guy."" 


The phenomena has been so successful that Time magazine named YouTube top invention of the year Internet TV has also united me with one of my secret obsessions—panda bears.  


Now, I'm not a loser with panda posters all over my wall or anything—although I'll admit to a panda t-shirt.  


Basically pandas are the most adorable and interesting creatures ever. I have never been to the San Diego Zoo or China, but I can watch pandas all day, every day, from the comfort of my desktop. 


The National Zoo in Washington, D.C. is home to a family of pandas. By Googling ""panda cam"" you can watch the baby and mama panda frolic all day. Nothing has wasted more time or been more enjoyable.  


While fall has given birth to many television gems (""Save the Cheerleader, Save the World""), nothing can surpass the growing monster that is video blogging and Internet television.  


This winter break, I encourage you all to explore the infinites of YouTube or review your favorite fall episode of ""Lost"" or ""Grey's Anatomy.""  


And should finals not go your way— there is a cuddly panda cub at the National Zoo sure to make you smile. 


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