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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Healthy solutions for New Year's resolutions

With a new semester right around the corner, New Year's resolutions are underway. For freshmen and non-freshmen alike, many students have pledged to shed some extra pounds. Test your dining know-how with Cardinal Food's pop quiz to see if your eating habits are in shape. 




1. When ordering a pizza from Toppers, which toppings would you prefer? 


a) sausage 


b) veggies 


c) cheese 


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2. While placing a take out order for Chinese food from Hong Kong Caf??, which would you most likely order? 


a) sweet and sour pork 


b) steamed shrimp with vegetables 


c) chicken chow mein 




3. While venturing over to Dunn Bros. Coffee to jump-start your morning, which pair would you choose? 


a) mocha latte and danish 


b) coffee and muffin 


c) caf?? latte and scone 




4. If you're at the Sunroom Caf??, what soup would you order? 


a) clam chowder 


b) minestrone 


c) vegetarian chili 




5. On a typical Saturday, how much alcohol are you most likely to consume? 


a) can't remember 


b) none 


c) a few of Madison's finest beers 




6. While indulging in carbohydrates at Madison's Tutto Pasta Trattoria, which entr??e would you settle for? 


a) fettuccine alfredo 


b) fusilli primavera 


c) manicotti 




7. After traveling off campus on an empty stomach to Pedro's Mexican restaurant, which is the closest to what you would order? 


a) stuffed chicken quesadilla 


b) fresh vegetable fajita 


c) chicken taco 




Mostly A's: Fried Food Fanatic 


Although you might not have the best habits, at least you have a year to change! Follow the suggestions below to change your ways. 




Mostly B's: Health Nut 


Way to be! Vegetables are your best friend. If eating right isn't showing results, work out more to reach your resolution. And then splurge on a hot fudge brownie sundae. 




Mostly C's: Conscious Consumer 


You've heard all the health claims before, but decide to eat what you choose, whether it is healthy or not. Try to add more vegetables and less fat to meals this year. 




Bombed your first quiz of the New Year? Don't fret, here's some cliffnotes to help you nourish your knowledge. 




1. Pizza can be healthy if you order thin crust and replace meat with veggies. Look at the size of your fist when judging one serving of vegetables (half a cup). Remember, you need at least three to four servings of veggies a day. Also, the less cheese the better. At most places you can even put in an order for half (or no) cheese. 




2. To reduce fat, substitute chicken or shrimp for beef or pork. Also, crispy egg rolls and fried rice translate into more fat. Instead, order items that contain the word Chu (boiled), Kow (roasted) or Jum (poached). Put in requests for less oil and more vegetables. 




3. Although all baked goods contain trans fats, muffins are the best option. Remember: the denser the food, the fattier its contents. Lattes and mochas consist of steamed milk blended with shots of espresso, but mochas add chocolate and calories. 




4. Put soup or salads on center stage and have these low calorie appetizers as your main course. For soups, cream-based soups have more fat and calories than broth-based. Replace white bread with whole grain bread to get more vitamins, minerals and fiber. With salads, avoid high-fat toppings and get low-fat dressings on the side (along with sauces or gravies for other dishes). Vegetables take more calories to digest than they contain which helps when losing weight.  




5. Unlike vegetables, alcohol is a calorie-dense food with almost twice as many calories per gram compared to proteins and carbohydrates. One beer has 150 calories while low-calorie beers have 100. The Department of Health and Human Services defines moderate drinking as no more than two drinks per day for healthy men and no more than one for healthy women. To see how your drinking profile compares, check out University Health Service's e-CHUG online at 




6. Instead of white sauces, opt for red sauces like marinara, which are tomato-based. Basic rule of fork: strip pasta of creams and cheeses. A serving of pasta is half a cup (fist-sized). About nine servings of grain should be dished out per day. Don't be afraid to ask how many servings are in an entr??e. To keep servings in moderation, order a box with those noodles. 




7. Corn tortillas have less fat than flour tortillas - but fried items like quesadillas are worse than baked. To make flour tortillas healthier, pack veggies onto fajitas and leave the guacamole and sour cream behind. Request tortilla chips instead of fried chips before the meal. 


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