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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Bush emphasizes homeland security, shows confidence in strength of Republican party

WASHINGTON'A confident President Bush Thursday savored the power he gained from the Republican midterm-election triumph, demanding international action against Iraq's Saddam Hussein and congressional action on administration priorities that had been delayed by partisan discord.  




The president insisted on immediate action from the current Congress on legislation creating a Cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security. Floating an array of policy ideas from tax cuts early next year to the partial privatization of Social Security, he also urged the Senate to reconsider previously rejected judicial nominees.  




\If there is a mandate in any election'at least in this one'it's that people want something to get done,"" the president said in a press conference, his first public appearance since Tuesday's elections. Emphasizing the point, he repeated: ""I think the way to look at this election is to say that people want something done.""  




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In addition, Bush made clear for the first time that Vice President Dick Cheney would be on the 2004 ticket with him. ""Should I decide to run, Vice President Cheney will be my running mate,"" Bush said. ""He is a superb vice president, and there's no reason for me to change.""  




Cheney, who has heart disease, had said he would serve if his doctors and the president permit. ""I'm confident that he will serve another term,"" Bush said, apparently ending widespread speculation about possible vice presidential replacements.  




In a 47-minute session in a theater in the White House complex, Bush said he would not be dissuaded by hostile international opinion from taking action against Saddam. ""I don't spend a lot of time taking polls around the world to tell me what I think is the right way to act,"" Bush said. ""I just got to know how I feel.""  




The president was categorical in demanding Senate action on a Homeland Security Department in the ""lame duck"" session of Congress that begins next week. ""It's imperative that the Congress send me a bill that I can sign before the 107th Congress ends,"" Bush said, calling the legislation ""the most important thing to get done"" even while acknowledging that it may take some time. He also said Congress should take ""immediate"" action on terrorism insurance legislation, in addition to the necessary spending bills.  




The homeland security and terrorism insurance measures had been set aside last month because of partisan stalemate. Senate Republican leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., said Thursday he will make a ""huge effort"" to win Senate approval of the Homeland Security Department bill if he is majority leader during the post-election session but said it would be a ""big leap.""

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