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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Sunday, June 16, 2024

D.C. officers keep weekend protest at bay

An overwhelming police presence and dreary 


weather contributed to a placid day of 


protests Sunday in downtown Washington, but 


police said they were braced for the final day of 


planned demonstrations Monday. 




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While Saturday's demonstrations were dominated 


against U.S. aid to Israel, Sunday's 


marchers focused on global economic issues, 


calling for the cancelation of Third World debt 


and a change in U.S. foreign policy that they 


charged is motivated by corporate greed. 




With hundreds of officers encircling protesters 


and permitting no breach of police lines, 


District Police Chief Charles Ramsey said police 


did not let the demonstrators provoke them. 




Police said there had been no arrests by the 


time the protest ended in late afternoon. The only 


confrontation came when one protester burned 


an American flag near three men who had come 


with their own flags to counter-protest and sang 


the national anthem. Earlier, several marchers lay 


down in the street before a police car, but its driver 


put the squad car in reverse and left. 


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