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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Monday, June 17, 2024

The Field House is where it’s at

Have you seen this stuff? I recently went with some friends to the women's volleyball game at the Field House and I tell you, it was amazing! I couldn't believe it. I want everyone to experience how good our girls are, so I've come up with something to help get my message across. 




No, it's not a song. There'll be time enough for that later in the year. 




It's a list, with the original title of... 




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Before a certain grocery store owner graced us with the Kohl Center, the Field House was the place to be. Basketball, band concerts, wrestling, um, basketball'you get the picture. Sitting in the Field House is like a trip back in time to that golden age in American history, the early '90s. 




I know this isn't a reason for everyone, but for me cute girls in spandex shorts sure don't hurt anything. (Calm down ladies, wrestling season starts soon enough, and you can revel in the glory of spandex then.) 




Tickets are just $2! Two dollars! You can't see a movie for two bucks. Heck, you can't get a slice of pizza in this town for less than two bucks. But volleyball, which provides you with a minimum of an hour and a half of entertainment, is still only $2. If you can find a cheaper sport to attend, do it, but look out for those flying pigs. 




OK, here I'm not 100 percent certain, because the marching band was gone at Penn State, but the band that was present consisted of about five guys. It was a drum set, a bass drum, a trumpet, a trombone and a euphonium. I think there was even a pair of kazoos in the group. But I'll be darned if they didn't play every song that you'd hear at a football game, and they played them just as well. 




Grown-ups come to these games and they bring along their little kids. If the movie 'The Bad News Bears' taught me anything, it's that you can get paid to coach Little League. If 'Little Rascals' taught me anything, it's that little kids are hilarious. The entire game is full of little kids dancing on the sidelines, hugging Bucky and just all around being cute. 




'Varsity,' our time-honored tradition, is sung at the end of every game. Remember people, you start with your hand out to your RIGHT when you reach the 'U-rah-rah's.' Not to mention any names, but some of you have been screwing that up. The cool thing is that you can get right down by the players and sing 'Varsity' with them. Try that at a football game and security is going to haul you off. 




The fans get up and applaud at each time out. We rise to our feet each time Wisconsin reaches game point. Also, during one of the one-minute time outs, the P.A. system started playing 'Jump Around.' One man, off in the adult section, stood and jumped up and down, arms waving, the entire length of the timeout. You have to respect that kind of commitment. 




So next time you're looking for an inexpensive good time, head on over to the Field House for some women's volleyball action.  




Oh yeah, and the team's pretty good too, but it looks like I've run out of space, so you'll just have to take my word for it. 





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