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The Daily Cardinal Est. 1892
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sports and beer

Writing columns gets old fairly fast. This is my third semester writing these 500-or-so-word idiosyncrasies otherwise known as sports columns, and I have to admit ideas are running short. So, instead of a few insightful caveats of sports knowledge, I give you a conversation I had Friday night at a bar with a person whose name I cannot even remember. I will call him Dan. 




Here are the highlights of my conversation, as I remember it, with Dan: 




Dan: Hey man, what's up? 




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JD: Oh, not much, doing a little drinking. Played some pool before. 




Dan: Yeah same here. Beer is good. 




JD: Hey, look at that. My beer is empty. I better go get another. 




I quickly finish my half-full bottle of Miller Lite and walk in the general direction of the bar. Upon glancing back, I learn that apparently Dan's beer was also empty, as he has followed me toward the bar. Figuring I would humor Dan a little more before abruptly going to a different beer-drinking venue, I switched the topic of conversation to sports. 




JD: So, who is going to win the Super Bowl? 




Dan: Man, I have to go for the Giants. I grew up in New York until I was, like 5 so I am all about the Giants. 




JD: Yeah, I am pulling for the Giants, I just don't want to see Trent Dilfer win a Super Bowl, but the Ravens defense is something else. 




Dan: The G-men got Tiki Barber. That little guy is gonna run right through that Raven defense. Just look at the 41 points they had against Minnesota. 




JD: Wasn't that mostly Kerry Collins? 




Dan: Yeah, he is gonna have a big game, too, just wait. 




Not wanting to talk about the Giants anymore, I thought it was time to turn to a little local sports talk. After finally receiving my beer, I brought up the Wisconsin men's basketball team to Dan, who seemed to get more intoxicated by the minute. 




JD: Have you been to any of the UW basketball games this season? 




Dan: No, it's like I want to go, but I never do. 




JD: Yeah, I hate having that problem. Anyway, what stops you? 




Dan: Ah, I don't know. I guess I'd rather spend my money on beer. 




JD: Yeah, I can see that. Do you ever watch the games on TV? 




Dan: Definitely. Me and some friends get together for most the games and have a few cold ones. 




JD: Wow, how about that? What do you think about Brad Soderberg? 




Dan: He is cool and all, but I think we should get Rick Pitino. If he comes here, we can get all these big-time recruits and just blow this place up like it's Duke or something. 




JD: Sounds like Wisconsin basketball to me, but Soderberg is doing a good job. 




Dan: Dude, it is Rick Pitino, come on. 




JD: Well, I don't think he will come here. 




Dan: Yeah, he will probably go to some lame UCLA or something. He should come here, man; I'd take him out for a beer and show him a good time. 




JD: Yeah, that would be something. 




Realizing that getting that last beer was a mistake, I say farewell to the interesting, but rather intoxicated Dan, find my friends and head out to a little noisier bar. 




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